Activity report of 2023-2024 2025-01-10T06:33:01+00:00

Activity Report of 2023 – 2024

Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, JSS College of Nursing Mysuru was successfully conducted two days workshop on ‘Normal Labour Essentials: Hands on Training Sessions’ from 28/11/24 to 29/11/24. The aim of workshop is to enhance knowledge and skills by providing valuable insights into various aspects of labour and childbirth management. Workshop started with registration of students followed by pretest and theory sessions of First stage of labour management by Dr. Bhavya SV, Associate Professor, HOD OBG Nursing, JSS CON, Mysuru. Management of Second stage by Mrs. Dhanalakshmi, Assistant Professor, JSS CON, Mysuru. Active management of third stage of labour by Mrs. Munirathnamma K, Assistant Professor, JSS CON, Mysuru were taken. Followed by the workshop had four hands on training stations that is,

Station – I : First stage of labour management includes PV examination, Abdominal Examination for uterine contractions, descent of the head and Fetal Heart Rate and WHO Labour Care Guide by Dr. Bhavya SV

Station –II : Management of Second stage of labor includes conducting delivery and giving episiotomy by Mrs. Dhanalakshmi

Station – III : Active management of third stage of labour includes spontaneous delivery of placenta and components and steps of active management of third stage of labour by Mrs. Munirathnamma K

Station – IV : Immediate Newborn care and newborn resuscitation by Ms. Usha S and Mrs. Elizabeth Lizi George

On 28th November 2024, first day of the workshop conducted for inter institute final year students of 98 in number.

On 29th November 2024 we had students of BSc and MSc nursing students from BGS College of Nursing and Shanthaveri Memorial Gopal Gowda College of Nursing, Mysuru of total 89 students. Dr. Mamatha S, Head of the Department OBG, JSS Hospital, as a Chief Guest. Dr. Archana S, Chief Co-ordinator Skill and Simulation Center, JSS AHER, Mysuru as a Guest of honour and HOD of OBG Nursing, JSS College of Nursing Dr. Bhavya SV, faculty of OBG Nursing department Mrs. Munirathnamma K, Mrs. Dhanalakshmi, Mrs. Elizabeth Lizi George and Ms. Usha S and participants of workshop inaugurated the workshop at 10.30am. Dr. Bhavya SV, Associate Professor, welcomed the gathering. Dr. Archana S delivered a impactful keynote address emphsised on best practices, challenges and innovations in the management of normal labour. Dr. Mamatha S, shared the importance of mastering the fundamentals of normal labour, highlighting how crucial these skills are for aspiring nurses and caregivers. She praised the initiative, underlining its significance in bridging theoretical knowledge and hands-on application in clinical settings in her chief guest address. Mrs. Dhanalakshmi, Assistant Professor, JSS CON thanked the gathering. On 28/10/24

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru has organized a Guest Lecture on Labour Analgesia to final year BSc Nursing students on 14/11/24 from 2-3pm at Seminar hall of JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru, The Guest speaker Dr. Archana S, Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, Chief co-ordinator, Skill and Simulation Lab, JSSAHER, Mysuru.  Dr. Archana delivered the importance of pain management and pharmacological and non pharmacological methods of managing pain during labour. Total 92 students attended the guest lecture.

We the Department of Psychiatric Nursing of JSS College of Nursing organized Guest Lecture on “Early identification, prevention and management of suicide” on 20.09.2023 for nursing students .Resource person was Dr.Vasu P Psychiatrist Viveka Hospital Mysuru. Total 100 BSc Nursing students were benefited from the session. Students actively involved in the session and clarified their doubts.

World Breast Feeding Week – 2024 was celebrated on 08-08-2024. Exhibition and Role play was organized on theme “Closing the Gap: Breastfeeding support for all” to create awareness regarding breastfeeding among the postnatal mothers who are attending the immunization clinic at Primary Health Centre, Varuna. Dr. Prasad, Chief Medical officer, Primary Health Centre, Varuna was the chief guest and inaugurated the program. 3rd year B Sc Nursing and I Year P B B Sc Nursing students participated in the program and created the awareness among the public through role play and Health Exhibition.

Department of Child Health Nursing organized a Guest Lecture on “Pediatric Emergencies” on 25.10.2024 from 10.30am to 12.30am. Dr. Sushma K, Associate Professor, Neonatologist, JSS Medical College and Hospital was the guest speaker and the program was inaugurated by chief guest at 10.15am. The overall objective was to sensitize the students regarding the management of pediatric emergencies and nurse’s responsibilities. 3rd Year B.Sc.(N) and I Year PB BSc(N) students attended the programme. Guest lecture was effective in enhancing the knowledge of the students.

Mastering Surgical Skills: Hands On Workshop on Instruments, Sutures and Equipments for Common Procedure and Surgical Wound Dressing on 17.05.2024



Upon successful completion of the workshop, participants will be able to:

  • develop optimal knowledge about surgical Instruments, Sutures and Equipments and Wound Dressing
  • demonstrate skills in types of Suture- Suture Removal Techniques
  • demonstrate skills Wound Dressing

Total 104 students, 95 from II year Bsc (N) and 09 students from PBBSc (N) of JSS College of Nursing,  were registered for the workshop. Workshop was inaugurated at 11.00am.

Inaugural of Workshop on “Monitoring in ICU: Simulation-based hands-on workshop”

Dr. Shyama Prasad Shetty, Deputy Director, expressed the need for organizing workshops which helps students to bridge the gap between theory and practice and highlighted the Importance and role of nurses ICUs.

The workshop commenced by conducting pre-test and with the brief introduction about the overall goal of the workshop to participants followed by first theory session on “Monitoring in ICU : An Overview” by Dr. Ashwini, Intensivist, JSS Hospital, followed by “Infection control Protocol in ICU by Dr. Shailaja JSS Hospital and further Hands on skill training in the Morning on Vital Signs and Basic Monitoring by Dr. Poojitha, Intenivist, JSS Hospital  and On Ventilators by Dr. Akshay H M, Intenivist, and in the afternoon two stations were held on  Hemodynamic  Monitoring by Dr. ShobhaRani, Intenivist, JSS Hospital  Neurologic   Monitoring by Dr.Abhilash, Intenivist, JSS Hospital ,Thereby the Workshop was completed by 4.30pm with Post-test.

Workshop on Haemodynamic Monitoring in ICU- Simulation based Hands on   workshop was conducted by Department of Medical Surgical Nursing on 12-9-24 and 13-9-24.  Dr. Sarikha M Shetty, Associate professor, Department of Anaesthology, JSS Hospital and Medical College, Mysore was the Chief Guest for the workshop. Programme was inaugurated by lighting the lamp by the dignitaries on the dias. Mrs Mamatha.G. HOD. Dept. of  Medical Surgical Nursing delivered the key note address.

Skill stations begun followed by the Inaugural Ceremony. The resources persons for the Workshop were Dr. Ashwini.A, Dr. Sahana N, Dr. Sarikha M Shetty, Dr. Shailaja,  Dr. Shobharani , Dr. Snekha , Dr. Abhilash, Dr. Nithyashree.   M Sc. (N) students, Final year   and 3rd year students from various Institution in Mysuru and JSS college of Nursing have attended this workshop.  Total of 160 delegates benefited from this workshop.

On International day against drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking, Department of Mental Health Nursing in collaboration with Narcotics Bureau of India and Viveka Hospital, organized walkathon on26.06.2024 at Kote Anjaneya swamy temple, behind Palace, Mysuru.Walkathon was inaugurated at 7.15am by Dr Kishor M Professor and Head Department of Psychiatry JSS Hospital Medical College and Hospital, Mysuru followed by oath was administered by Dr Vinay Kumar, Psychiatrist, Viveka Hospital. Theme was unfolded by Dr Narendrakumar “The evidence is clear: invest in prevention: stop stigma &. 70 III BSc (N) nursing students were present in the program. Role play on drug abuse was enacted by nursing students. Program was concluded with vote of thanks by Ms Chitralekha, Psychologist, Viveka hospital Mysuru at 10 am.


World Breast Feeding Week – 2023 was celebrated on 03-08-2023. Exhibition and Role play was organized on theme “Enabling Breast feeding, Making difference for working parents” to create awareness regarding breastfeeding among the postnatal mothers who are attending the immunization clinic at Primary Health Centre, Varuna. Dr. Kantahraj, Chief Medical officer, Primary Health Centre, Varuna was the chief guest and inaugurated the program. 3rd year B Sc Nursing  and II Year P B B Sc Nursing students participated in the program and created the awareness among the public through role play and Health Exhibition.


On World, No Tobacco Day, Department of Mental Health Nursing and Department of Community Health Nursing, organized rally on 31.05.2023 on theme “Ill effects of tobacco” at Varuna village. Rally was inaugurated at 10.30 am by Dr Kantharaju, Chief Medical officer, Varuna PHC, Mysuru followed by Guest Lecture on the theme “We Need Food and Not Tobacco” was delivered by Dr Kantharaju for OPD clients and second year Post basic BSc nursing students. Mr Lingaraju, Assistant professor, JSS College of Nursing highlighted on “Ill effects of tobacco.” Dr Saraswathi KN, HOD of Mental health nursing explained about “Psychiatric complications associated with smoking.” Total 50 members got benefitted by the session.  Program was concluded with vote of thanks by Mr Nagendraswamy, Assistant lecturer, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru at 12.30pm.

JSS Report of Workshop on “Colostomy Care”

The Medical-Surgical Nursing Department of JSS College of Nursing in collaboration with Coloplast organized a workshop on “Colostomy Care” on 11th May 2023. A total of 98 second-year BSc Nursing students participated and learned to give colostomy care. Mr. Jagadeesh and Mr. Prashanth the care specialists from Coloplast company were the resource persons.

JSS College of Nursing Mysuru celebrated International Nurses day 2023 on 12th May 2023 at 10 am CvÀ Sri Rajendra Centenary Auditorium (SRCA), JSS Hospital, Mysuru in association with JSS Hospital and JSS School of Nursing, Mysuru. The gathering was welcomed by Prof.Aswathy Devi M K Principal, JSS College of Nursing Mysuru. The chief guest for the day was Ms. Shilpi Agarwal, Divisional Railway manager, South Western Railway. The programme was presided by Dr. C G Besturmath Executive Secretary, JSS Mahavidyapeetha. Mrs. Sudha Mruthyunjayappa, Chief Trustee of Dr C N Mruthyunjayappa Trust was the Special invitee and Guest of Honour were Dr. C P Madhu, Medical superintend JSS Hospital & Sri R Mahesh, Director, Medical Education Division. On this occasion Six Nurses of JSS Hospital, Mysuru were honoured with the R & R award (Rewards & Recognition award) for the year 2022. Dr. C. N. Mruthyunjayappa Trust honoured the selected Nurse’s with certificates and cash awards. Programme was concluded with vote of thanks by Mrs. Renuka Devi Principal JSS School of Nursing.

JSS Hospital Oncology Department and Medical-Surgical Nursing Department of JSS College of Nursing observed World cancer Day by organizing exhibition on “Caner Prevention” on 09th Feb 2023

JSS Hospital Oncology Department and Medical-Surgical Nursing Department of JSS College of Nursing observed World cancer Day by organizing exhibition on “Caner Prevention” on 09th Feb 2023 from 10am to 04pm.Dr. Basavanna Gowdappa, Dean,JSS Medical College, Dr. Madhu CP Medical Superintendent of JSS Hospital, Dr. Ravi Krishnappa, Dr. Kiran, Oncologists of JSS Hospital and Prof. Usha M Thomas, JSS College of Nursing inaugurated the program. Total of 150 Nursing students and all faculties participated. Five cancer survivors shared their experience. Nearly 200 people got benefitted from this awareness program.

NSS Unit and Medical-Surgical Nursing Department of JSS College of Nursing observed World cancer Day by organizing Jatha on “Caner Prevention” on 04th Feb 2023. Sri. Shivakumar, Mayor, Mysuru City Corporation, Dr. Madhu CP Medical Superintendent of JSS Hospital, Dr. Ravi Krishnappa, Dr. Kiran, Oncologists of JSS Hospital and Prof. Aswathy Devi MK, Principal, JSS College of Nursing, flagged off and inaugurated the program. Total of 150 Nursing students and 25 faculty participated in Jatha. All out patients, caretakers of patients of JSS Hospital and public got benefitted from this awareness program.

JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing, JSS College of Physiotherapy and JSS School of Nursing) celebrated 74th Republic Day

JSS Health Science Institutions (JSS College of Nursing, JSS Institute of Speech and Hearing, JSS College of Physiotherapy and JSS School of Nursing) celebrated 74th Republic Day on 26 .01.2023 at 8:30 am at JSS Health Institutions premises. Dr. Nataraja N P, Director of Institute of Speech and Hearing hoisted the National flag followed by National Anthem. All heads of Health Institutions, and faculty were present for the programme. The programme ended by 09.00 am. Sweets distributed to everyone.

JSS Nursing institutions  (JSS College of Nursing and, School of Nursing, Ch Nagar, JSS School of Nursing, Mysuru and Kollegala) had organized Health Exhibition on the theme on “First Aid” at Suttur, Nanjungud taluk Mysuru District during Suttur Jathra Mahostava from 18.01.2023 to 23.01.2023. The exhibition was inaugurated by Junior Pontiff Sri. Jayarajendra Swamiji, Dr. C G Betsurmath, Executive Secretary, JSS MVP and Sri. Mahesh R DME, JSS MVP.

JSS Nursing institutions (JSS College of Nursing and, School of Nursing, Ch Nagar, JSS School of Nursing, Mysuru and Kollegala) had organized Health Exhibition on the theme on “First Aid” at Suttur, Nanjungud taluk Mysuru District during Suttur Jathra Mahostava from 18.01.2023 to 23.01.2023.

The main objective of this exhibition was to create awareness among rural people regarding First Aid. Exhibits were displayed regarding theme and topics covered as fracture, bleeding, choking, sprain, head injury Seizure, common bites, drowning, burns and minor ailments. Video show was also arranged to create the awareness on first aid followed by demonstration was done on trauma care. The students created awareness among the public by presenting the first aid case scenario.

Awareness on First aid was assessed through questionnaire and majority 76% were expressed that exhibition was benefited and 68% were expressed that first time getting the information about first aid and 100% were felt that awareness exhibition on  first aid was important to the society.

Cultural report

SNA unit, JSS College of Nursing, Mysuru take part in cultural competitions during Suttur Jathra Mahostava on 18.01.2023. JSS College of nursing students participated in different categories of events like Classical group dance, non-classical group dance, group song, solo classical dance and solo classical song and won the prizes in below mentioned events.

Sl. No Event Prize
1 Group song 3rd Prize
2 Solo Classical Dance 2nd Prize
3 Solo Classical Song 5th Prize